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Belding Area Schools


What We Do


School Counselors help children by

Promoting positive attitudes among students toward self, family, peers and community.

Assisting students in learning how school performance relates to future opportunities.

Developing and delivering classroom guidance lessons that teach skills such as health decision making, resolving conflicts and respecting others.

Working collaboratively with students, parents and teachers to identify and remove barriers to learning.

Supporting students by teaching skills for achieving success.

Helping students to recognize and make the best of their abilities.

Counseling with students individually and in groups.

Providing support during personal crisis.

Orienting new students.


Counselors are the heart of the school by


Helping create a safe school environment where children can learn.

Working with students on attendance issues.

Coordinating referrals to outside agencies.

Helping design interventions to enhance student success.

Developing community partnerships to enhance student career awareness.

Helping teachers create a positive learning environment.

Helping students learn anger management, conflict resolution, and mediation skills.

Helping parents, teachers and administrators learn how to meet the needs of all students.


School Counselors Can Help in Many Situations

“My parents are getting a divorce. I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“I’m new here and I’m having trouble making friends.”

“I have a lot of difficulty dealing with my stepchild.”

“Fred scores high on standardized tests but hardly makes passing grades in school.”

“Karen always tells me she doesn’t have homework, but I found out she isn’t doing it.”

“I need some ideas for helping students to get along with each other.”

“Bill hasn’t been himself lately. He seems too preoccupied with something.”

“I have a bad temper and need to learn how to control it.”

“Mary has been absent from school an awful lot this year.”

“My dad gets so angry when he’s been drinking.”

Parents can call the school counselor at any time for a phone conference or to set up a school visit.


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